Chapter 231 Red Star Mark_1

Before the two returned, Qian Cangyi arrived in front of the file cabinet.

The documents inside were classified by category. Qian Cangyi directly found the personal information category, took out a stack of documents from it, and placed them on the table.

"Elder Lu? What's his actual name?" Qian Cangyi started to flip through, and he soon found Elder Lu's name, "Lu Zuan. The appearance is roughly the same, this photo seems to have been taken ten years ago." At this moment, Qian Cangyi noticed that this personal information sheet had a red star mark reinforcement.

"Why mark it specifically?" He flipped a few more pages, but found no such mark.

"Maybe there are others?" With this thought, Qian Cangyi quickly browsed through all the personal information sheets, "Zuo Shan, Yan Xuan, Peng Wei, these three people also have the same star mark. Could it be... Have these four people divided up the whole Pusha Village? Are they the four big shots of Pusha Village?"