Chapter 239 Cruelty_1

His yell halted his teammates from continuing their brutality, but it couldn't stop Qian Cangyi.

Qian Cangyi paid no heed to the rest of them, picked up the wooden stick again, and aimed at the face. Then... again. These three hits rendered the person beneath him dazed.

At this point, Qian Cangyi stopped. He glanced at the people nearby, his eyes fierce.

Another hit, he brought down the wooden stick in his hand with full force again. Thus far, each hit was as hard as he could make it.

With a snap, the stick broke.

"Let go," Qian Cangyi repeated.

These people dared act this way because they had the upper hand due to their ruthlessness. They usually bullied common folks who in their weakness could pose no threat. The other fights were inter-group brawls - again, just a show of bravado.

Even if they had blood on their hands, they had never faced death themselves. As for him? He had been hovering on the brink of death, any slip could have sent him into an abyss to be lost forever.