Chapter 241 Mysterious Death_1

After some thought, Qian Cangyi decided to stop pondering on that question.

At least in this movie, there was no need to think about this matter. After all, he had never encountered such an actor before. It's good enough as long as he didn't consider such a situation non-existent. Once the filming of this movie was finished, he could ask Hawkeye and others about it.

Qian Cangyi returned to his room for a drink of water, then greeted Little Drilling Wind and Wang Pan.

"You're going out? At this late hour?" Wang Pan was very surprised.

"Yes, I'm feeling a bit down. I need a walk to clear my mind," Qian Cangyi nodded in affirmation.

"Well... alright, as you wish. It's not like I have any control over you," Wang Pan said exasperatedly.

Little Drilling Wind didn't say anything, his thoughts unknown.