Chapter 244 Control_1

"Who is it?" Peng Wei asked, his expression exceptionally serious.

"Peng Fubao. You wouldn't not know him, would you?" replied Qian Cangyi.

"Where is he now?" Peng Wei took two steps forward.

"In the Pusha Village police station." Qian Cangyi did not back down this time.

Upon hearing the response, Peng Wei tilted his head and glanced at Qian Cangyi. His gloomy eyes perfectly reflected his emotions, which was unfortunately not having any effect on Qian Cangyi.

He snorted coldly and then walked in the direction of the Pusha Village police station.

A hand blocked Peng Wei's path.

"You've asked your questions, I haven't started mine." Qian Cangyi stood in front of Peng Wei.

Looking down from above, Qian Cangyi's gaze was calm, but under this height difference, any gaze other than humility may turn into contempt.

At the same time, six people surrounded them.

Peng Wei raised his right hand and the six men immediately halted their actions.

"Ask." said Peng Wei.