Chapter 267: Targeting _1

The light inside the house was bright, outside a fierce wind howled and rain pounded.

The Pusha Village police station felt like a lone boat amidst tempestuous sea waves at this point.

Little Drilling Wind was startled, falling off the chair with heart pounding and breath quickening, his eyes glued to the window.

"She... she..." Little Drilling Wind pointed shakily to something beyond the window with his right index finger.

"Remember what I gave you? Keep it on you, it might save your life. Stay here, I'll go take a look." Qian Cangyi told Little Drilling Wind, not bothering to look back.

"I remember!" Little Drilling Wind nodded emphatically.

Then, Qian Cangyi headed for the door, as Zuo Ying's face disappeared from the window.

After opening the door, the heavy rain outside cascaded in. Within two seconds, Qian Cangyi's trouser legs were soaked.