Chapter 294 Discussion_1

Because this time, Qian Jiangyue didn't reply sarcastically.

"Alright then, it indeed seems to be some very important matter. What's your opinion on my thoughts?" Qian Cangyi didn't ask what the matter was and didn't dwell on it.

"It should be a change developed for the completely random allocation. In other words, the Hell's Movie plans to let actors form disparate teams, these teams could be fixed or flexible. Anyway, they will act together because they are already familiar with each other. As a foundation of trust has been formed between them, as time progresses, eventually teams that can trust each other will emerge."

"The other way around, mutually trusting teams will certainly be more powerful than 1+1. Their strengths and weaknesses can complement each other. Therefore, this suggests that the difficulty of future movies will be higher, maybe to the extent that only through teamwork can they survive successfully."