Chapter 315 Collective Illusion _1

Silence fell over the venue.

What just happened took everyone by surprise. Even though the audience and power generators outside the arena did not feel any danger, they all witnessed the spectacle of the glasses-wearing man having a portion of his skull removed.

"Was what just happened... a collective illusion?" Xiao Ming was stunned.

Although seeing isn't always believing, so many people witnessing the same event, and the reaction of the eyeglass-wearing man who was generating power, it was not easy to dismiss it as an illusion or delusion.

About three seconds passed before someone finally took action.

It was Qian Jiangyue.

He walked over to the entrance of the protective shield, which was now open. He hesitated for a moment, looking at the man with glasses still sitting dumbstruck in the center of the round platform, before stepping inside.

His every step was extremely careful.