Chapter 324 Manual Content_1

"As for skills and special props, you should not worry too much about it. Everyone starts from scratch. I have participated in several movies and I have never used any of my special props. In fact, survival depends more on your own abilities and luck." Lan Xing showed a warm smile on his face.

Five-colored Stone blushed a bit, her eyes looking downward, "I see."

Lan Xing's words were not wrong, but he had been lying just now.

Qian Cangyi leaned his chin on the back of his left hand, thinking internally.

"However, if you do have them, it's always better than not having them at all. At least you will have more options when you are in danger. There are many ways to obtain special props. The most common one is to exchange them for film remuneration. Also, you can get them from the movie itself. The specific way depends on the movie. Also, in the Hell's Movie mobile app, you can control characters to explore the game world and obtain special props."