Chapter 378: Clock_1

Ha ha ha!

Shadow Play started laughing after realizing this.

Then, she began to aggressively seize clocks, not minding the trader's view at all. After obtaining the clocks, she would immediately smash them on the floor, and the trader's reaction was just like her thoughts, without any reaction.

How exhilarating!

In just a few seconds, Shadow Play had already smashed almost half of the clocks.

Unfortunately, she didn't find the dice that she wanted, the one that allowed her to select points.

"Where could it be?" The pleasant sensation from just now had disappeared . After all, finding the dice that allows the selection of points was the main issue.

This situation was happening in different shops at the same time.

Aside from Shadow Play, the others had also figured this out, but they too, didn't have any luck.

The passage of time was causing the performers to become more anxious.