Chapter 386 Meet in Battle_1

The cacophonous noise suddenly sounded and then disappeared, surely, this was a test fire. Not only Qian Cangyi and others were unaware of the enemy forces, even the 'dwarfs' weren't sure of their own combat power, at least when facing the 'giants'.

Several actors immediately entered a nearby room and noticed fine grooves on the window.

These grooves were so trivial that they didn't pose any threat to the overall window structure, at least not based on the firing just now.

"Is it that hard?" Shadow Play was taken aback.

She didn't carry such a doubt initially; but the dwarf who came to probe earlier had easily made a hole in the gate, due to which, instead of choosing to hold firm, they opted to find a way to delay time through communication, otherwise they would have adhered to Mo Ran's method from the start.