Chapter 402 Walking Stick_1

Re-experiencing this day was not particularly influential, but the drumming, felt like a clutch on the heart. If the drumming sound continued, even into the night, it might not only prevent the actors from resting, it might even cause internal damage.

As for rolling a random number on the dice, it undoubtedly meant giving up on this functional area.

If you didn't roll a 3, what possibly awaited the actors was complete annihilation.

"What should we do?" The tone of the Shadow Play's voice instilled a sense of self-blame, after all, she was the one who came up with this strategy.

Qian Cangyi turned his head and reassured her, "Don't worry, it's just that the time will be longer." He looked at the Shadow Play, feeling that something was off. Quickly, he remembered, "By the way, let's use this time to make your walking stick, this will make it easier for you to walk."

"Thanks." The Shadow Play grinned, "If you hadn't mentioned it, I would have forgotten."