Chapter 460: Chaos_1

In an instant, all the lights in the room suddenly went out, leaving the street lamp outside the window as the only source of light inside the room.

A heavy breathing sound reached Qian Cangyi's ears. It was his own breathing, but he didn't know why. This sound seemed unfamiliar to him as if it wasn't his own.

On his phone screen, the torch was getting smaller and smaller, almost completely disappearing.

In this chaotic world, Qian Cangyi felt a profound silence, as if all sound were stripped away. But the strange occurrence didn't stop there, a yellow ember surprisingly lit up on both of his shoulders. He glanced at it, but didn't turn around.

I remember a folk-tale, each person has a lamp on each shoulder and on their head, a total of three lamps which represents their positive energy. According to the tale, anyone who extinguishes one of those lights is easily haunted by ghosts. If all three lights are extinguished, then…