Chapter 466 Hell's Return_1

What a load of crap! Besides, what's the point of hoarding these things? Sell them to others? Even if I could, by the time I make a small profit, I'd probably have died several times over, right?

Qian Cangyi ranted internally.

"If you don't want to buy, then don't, it's up to you." Xiao Tai casually shrugged, her demeanor indicating 'take it or leave it'.

Is she... hinting at something?

A brow inched upwards on Qian Cangyi's face, as he intently analyzed Xiao Tai's expressions. Unfortunately, he gleaned nothing given their differing biological structures.

Upon contemplation, Qian Cangyi dismissed the idea, the rationale being simple.

No matter if Xiao Tai's words hinted at something, making a choice would depend on personal circumstances, rather than blindly pursuing future benefits. There are gains and losses. And going off Xiao Tai's usual behavior, the chance of being set up was dangerously high.

Thinking this, Qian Cangyi stopped dwelling on it further.