Chapter 468 Character Balance_1

After a while of chatting, the three started to do their own things.

Something that caught Qian Cangyi's attention was that Hawkeye and Qian Jiangyue, like him, seemed to have started constructing in their individual biographical films.

Only when it comes to the topic of pets...

[Qian Jiangyue: A panda, but it's too small, has no use, can't even carry anything, but it eats a lot. It's worth keeping around if it proves useful, otherwise, I'll get rid of it.]

[Hawkeye: My pet is a bald eagle, but my role is in a cave. Even though this pet is decent, I don't know why my fans chose it. A pet like a pangolin would have been much better in this situation.]

[Cangyi: Uh...]

At this time, Qian Cangyi swiped his screen and Salty Egg Yolk appeared on the phone screen.

Perhaps sensing something, Salty Egg Yolk quickly disappeared.