Chapter 474 More Threads_1

At first glance, it was a city crisscrossed by rivers. Yet, the buildings in the city seemed unusually natural. Although the houses in the painting were different from the modern skyscrapers people lived in, they equally utilized the three-dimensional space effectively.

Trees became the foundation that bore the houses.

"Such a city probably couldn't accommodate too many people—after all, in terms of material strength, trees fall somewhat short of concrete in most cases," Qian Jiangyue stroked his chin, "So, this must be a fantasy painting, depicting the imagined scene of the artist."

"Perhaps, on some planet, or in some era, such a thing might have indeed happened," Qian Cangyi picked up Qian Jiangyue's conjecture.

"Or perhaps, it's just pure fantasy," Hawkeye continued the discussion.

There were footsteps from upstairs, and Wen Chengzhi appeared on the stairs leading to the second floor.