Chapter 505 Deception_1

The reason for making such a decision was that the three of them did not want to emulate Milo's character.

If it was just to hide or avoid something, of course, they would do so. Just like Yan Song, who Hawkeye was pretending to be, originally thought.

The problem now is that even if they hide, it won't be for long. Nobody knows when this ancient country that once created civilization will disappear, and in what way it will disappear.

Therefore, taking the initiative has become the only choice.

Change Milo, so they have more power or money, so they won't be dragged down by some trivial things.

When Qian Cangyi handed the control over to Hawkeye, the latter began to show off his culinary skills in the kitchen.

Although this totally contradicts the impression Hawkeye gives, it did happen, right before Qian Cangyi's eyes.

"You...when did you learn to cook?" Luo Lan looked at the dishes on the table, his mouth gaped so wide that he could practically fit a chicken egg in it.