Chapter 513: Exploration_1

Over the next week, Qian Cangyi participated in another match. This opponent was ranked much lower than Huang Quan, and it didn't pose any trouble, not getting much attention.

With the remaining time, the three of them devoted themselves to mastering the Guboer language, especially the complicated syllables, which took up a lot of their time even with their excellent memory.

The main obstacle was that when the three of them attempted to pronounce these syllables, their throat movements became incredibly difficult, as if something was hindering them.

"I'm heading out; I have two matches today. I will likely return late. Please find your own dinner," Luo Lan told Qian Cangyi before he left.

"Okay, I understand," Qian Cangyi smiled at Luo Lan.

Once Luo Lan left, Qian Cangyi immediately logged onto the intercommunication platform. Of course, he didn't log into Milo's homepage, instead, he started searching for soul-related content on the search engine.