Chapter 520 Rescue_1

Though the actions seemed many and complex, they all happened in an incredibly short span of time as the blue-hooded alchemist worked with practiced ease, executing his moves with a proficiency refined through hundreds perhaps even thousands of repetitions. He could probably perform them perfectly even with his eyes closed.

The crystal-clear blue liquid floated in mid-air, like the tears of a mermaid. Accompanied by a dazzling light from the alchemy array, the liquid gradually took the shape of thin needles.

"Don't touch that stuff. It will make our limbs incredibly rigid, and it will be impossible to recover in a short time unless we have the right countermeasures prepared," Jin Sen thought, his heart trembling.

The alchemist activating the alchemy array waved his hand, and the blue needles flew out like bullets.

"Switch to defense mode," Qian Cangyi instructed Jin Sen.

"How... how are you so sure?" Inquired Jin Sen as he did as Qian Cangyi had suggested.