Chapter 523 Opportunity_1

"Who are you?" This man, who appeared to be quite imposing, didn't respond to Qian Cangyi's greeting, seemingly not willing to give any respect to the stranger who had suddenly appeared.

After saying this, the man turned his eyes to Elsa.

This was a form of questioning, at the same time it also revealed his own identity.

Before Elsa could answer, Jin Sen stepped in between this man and Qian Cangyi.

"He saved me twice. If it wasn't for him, I might already be dead in Chensha City." For once, Jin Sen directly answered the question.

When Jin Sen finished speaking, the man's expression softened somewhat, and he no longer seemed as confrontational as before.

"Hello," the man smiled.

Although the man was trying to show goodwill to Qian Cangyi, the person he really wanted to get close to was Jin Sen.

This unhidden intention made everyone present feel very uncomfortable.