Chapter 525 Undercurrent Turbulence_1

When he got home, Luo Lan was sitting on the sofa, analyzing the records of his competitors in the upcoming matches.

Generally, in individual battles, this kind of analysis is done by the contestant themselves. This is because only the experience they summarize themselves is suitable for themselves. The ideas and suggestions from others are just ideas and suggestions. When it comes to putting them into practice, it still relies on individual understanding and practice.

"You're back?" Luo Lan glanced back, "How was it? Do you possess the aptitude for alchemy?"

"Haven't tested it yet, something came up today." Qian Cangyi poured himself a glass of cold water.

"What happened? Got to say, your fan base is growing surprisingly fast, almost reaching fifty thousand. At this rate, it's not impossible to reach a hundred thousand by the end of the qualification matches." Luo Lan's attention was entirely focused on the intercommunication platform.