Chapter 527 Conspiracy_1

There were two more explosions overhead, and the light of the fire was getting further and further away from Jin Sen.

Two alchemists in blue robes were flying swiftly towards Jin Sen, and in their hands, a dazzling white light was emanating.

They were launching an attack on Jin Sen!

At this moment, Jin Sen thought of Milo, who was far better than him in both reaction and choice.

The reason Jin Sen thought of Milo was that he suddenly realized that he could learn a lot of useful things from Milo, especially at this critical moment. Milo's caution and acumen demonstrated was practically a crisis-based tutorial.

Should he choose to defend or use the force of the air to dodge? Pure defense was too passive; he couldn't be attacked forever. If this continued, the one who would die would definitely be him. But it was too difficult to use the counterforce of the Air Cannon to evade the opponent's attack. He must think of some way to cope with it.