Chapter 530 Counterattack_1

After they had driven some distance, a pitch-black void was all that remained behind them. From the rear-view mirror, it was impossible to discern whether anyone was following them or not.

Even though the attackers they had encountered earlier had not brought any transportation, in a world where alchemy was the core of a highly advanced civilization, it was entirely possible for some specialized single-person transport modes to exist.

"If that's the case, it may be pointless for us to return to Chensha City. We might just be walking into a trap. At least, that's a likely scenario for tonight," Qian Cangyi said, glancing out the window.

Just moments ago, the lives of three actors were buried on this seemingly wasteland.

Perhaps these actors had performed exceptionally in other movies, but at any moment of lowered vigilance, the Grim Reaper could wield his scythe and claim their lives.

"So what do we do?" The woman sitting next to Qian Cangyi was somewhat anxious.