Chapter 555: A Serendipitous Encounter_1

The two didn't ask more, and after dinner, Qian Cangyi suggested going out for a walk.

Since it was a major city, as long as it was not very remote, there would be lighting.

The same was also true of safety.

When they got to the stadium, they found a match was going on inside.

"Let's go and check it out." Qian Cangyi spoke.

Unlike in Chensha City, the regional selection competition did not only feature individual battles, but team battles were added too.

The weightage of team battles accounted by about 30% of the total score.

Upon entering, Qian Cangyi realized the stadium inside was massive and could host four matches at the same time.

The team battles followed a 3V3 format and teammates were randomly allocated. Some power-up props were also available for pick up in the arena.

"Are you guys here as well?" Hill's voice came from behind.

"Just passing time, came here to take a look." Qian Cangyi spoke.