Chapter 560 Introduction to Information_1

This clue seems to have gone cold.

Qian Cangyi let out a sigh, stepping out of the room.

He told Lizardman Zhen about the death of the Lizardman elder, and upon seeing Zhen shed tears of grief, Qian Cangyi chose to apologize.

Of course, he left immediately after speaking.

Walking down the street, a middle-aged man dressed in casual clothes suddenly approached Qian Cangyi and hastily handed him a piece of paper before fleeing quickly.

Qian Cangyi was somewhat puzzled, but upon opening the paper, he instantly understood what he had received.

It was written on it: Dark Truth.

This was a religion with a pessimistic doctrine.

If this was real life, Qian Cangyi would readily throw this paper into the trash can, but now, he decided to keep it.

Returning to the hotel, Qian Cangyi sat by the window looking at the propaganda poster in his hands.

The drawing was very crude. At the center of the poster was a triangular eye with, surprisingly, two pupils.