Chapter 584 Light Blue Silk Thread_1

In front of the rectangular metal test table, Qian Cangyi's right hand was placed in a drawn red circle. With the red circle as the center, many patterns extended in all directions, eventually forming a six-pointed star-shaped alchemy array.

Compared to Qian Cangyi's calmness, Jin Sen's expression was exceptionally solemn, especially the hidden fanaticism in his eyes, as if he was the one being tested right now.

"Next, I will let you feel the four elements of the alchemy array in sequence. You must concentrate."

"Learning alchemy, aside from talent, also requires hard work. Many alchemists are very weak at the beginning. If they don't concentrate, they may misjudge."

"Are you ready?" Jin Sen placed both his hands on another alchemy array.

As the one being tested, Qian Cangyi couldn't drive the alchemy array himself, so he could only use an external alchemy array to provide the driving energy and commands.