Chapter 595: Star Picking Tower_1

Hearing Tom's words, a skip was felt in Qian Cangyi's hearts. This was exactly the situation they were worried about, now it was brought up by a Grand Alchemist with initiative.

Fairly speaking, concerning the two Grand Alchemists before them, the three of them don't possess any real value.

Even if they were people who had returned from the future, they still couldn't change this fact, because Wen Chengzhi is also a person who returned from the future, and he understands more and has a broader knowledge.

However, their anxieties soon disappeared.

"If I were to kill them, I too, would disappear. Not only can we not kill them, even merely separating these three, I'm afraid I won't be able to control a body just like I can now," Wen Chengzhi shook his head.

Tom wore a pained expression while furrowing his brow, looking dissatisfied.

However, upon seeing this expression on Tom, the three people who were still dwelling inside Milo were quite happy.