Chapter 804 Expansion


This method is not the most secure, but Shadow Play believes it is currently the most appropriate one.

Whoever cannot bear the loss of a failed transaction first will lose the initiative in the ensuing trade.

Quan Yun Apartments calculated that the actors represented by Shadow Play would definitely enter into a transaction with them, which is why they acted this way. However, in reality, the future is not confined to this single trajectory.

Its calculations, based on its understanding of humans, are correct in the vast majority of cases.

The issue is that humans, by nature, are exceedingly contradictory creatures.

Shadow Play's right foot stepped out of the door of the Quan Yun Apartments' hall. At this point, what she had hoped for still had not happened.

Although neither side had made their intentions clear, it was undoubtedly the most critical part of the entire transaction.

A silent contest.

The side able to keep its composure will emerge as the winner.