Chapter 818 Exchange Complete

Another downside to first-aid spray is its lack of immediacy and, of course, these shortcomings are relative to other, more expensive treatment-oriented Special Props.

In terms of cost-effectiveness, first-aid spray still ranks at the top.

"If we save on the first-aid spray, what do you plan to bring with the remaining carry slots?" Qian Jiangyue asked Shadow Play.

"Since it's unclear what situations we'll encounter, if possible, I plan to exchange for an insulated tent that can be used repeatedly in one movie world for the team. It also has anti-insect and anti-beast functions, requires 500 film remuneration, is large enough for four people to rest inside, though it's a bit crowded," Shadow Play said.

"Although it's a bit redundant, the Special Item Slot doesn't limit weight, so... indeed, that's a pretty good idea," Qian Cangyi nodded.

500 film remuneration might seem high, but on careful consideration, it's actually very cost-effective.