"To compensate for the trouble this matter has caused you, our company will also provide you with a luxury 7-day global travel voucher as compensation."
Wang Qingfen finished speaking and handed the documents she was holding to Qian Cangyi.
Qian Cangyi accepted the documents and said, "You guys really have a lot of tricks."
On the first page, shockingly, it had the very phrase he was saying,
"You guys really have a lot of tricks."
And this phrase was the conclusion drawn by a professional psychological team after analyzing the data.
In other words, the professional psychological team had predicted this remark by analyzing Cheng Xingyuan's memories and personal traits.
Qian Cangyi furrowed his brows and continued reading,
"…It can be inferred that the subject has a savior mentality…"
"…It is suggested that treatment is carried out…"