To accommodate the speed of the skeleton soldiers, Du You's group had been on the road for over two days to reach a destination that should have been reached much quicker. By the time Du You arrived at the destination, the time was almost up.
"Damn Undead, there are just too many of them. If it were just about traveling, we wouldn't even need a day to get here,"
Lin Yushi said somewhat annoyed as she looked at the Undead on the road. There were always numerous Undead Creatures blocking the way, which had to be killed before they could proceed. When encountering powerful ones, it required Lin Yushi and Lin Yucha to take action to dispatch them quickly. Even the corpses were only partially collected.
The easily transportable ones were carried along the way, and when they accumulated to a certain extent, Du You casually summoned a Skeleton King, and then let the newly created Skeletons continue to follow. The ones that were not easily transported were simply discarded.