Chapter 19 The Meritorious Little Policeman_1

If a score were to be attributed to the skill of skinning a wild rabbit, Yan Fei would undoubtedly score full points.

Not only was he swift, but he also managed to skin the rabbit without harm to its fur or flesh. Yan Wenhai blinked, and in a blink of an eye, his son had skinned the rabbit as if performing acrobatics.

"Just like Butchering the Ox, just like Butchering the Ox!" One elderly man said learnedly.

Yan Wenhai chuckled, as if praising himself: "Everyone come here and have some rabbit in a while..."

It was a mere courtesy, nobody took it seriously.

If you really wanted to share something with someone, it was customary to deliver it personally.

Health instructions emphasised a hearty breakfast, preferably a light one.