Chapter 117 Thief, Hurry Up_1

Truth be told, Yan Fei's practical skills were pretty strong, and at his age, he was capable of learning new things extraordinarily fast.

Upon being cajoled into practicing calligraphy seriously by Xu Xiaoyan, he grasped the essentials and was soon able to write acceptably.

And by 'acceptably', it didn't mean his writing was aesthetically remarkable. Rather, it was recognizable as being written by brush and ink, not just their random strokes with a paper roll or an ink-dipped twig.

This development was a pleasant surprise for the girl.

However, for Yan Fei, this surprise wasn't exactly a good thing. His initial plan was to just practice a bit and slack off once the girl dozed off.

Who would have predicted she'd be so energetic! She'd been thrilled over finalizing paper-selling details during the day and now that her instruction on calligraphy was yielding results, she was even more motivated.