Chapter 245 A Gentle Wave of the Hand_1

As Yan Fei was putting his pen into his bag preparing to leave, he casually pulled out a bottle of honey. He handed it to The Sixth Miss Guo, who he had initially found annoying but now seemed tolerable, and said, "I'm sorry for troubling you this late. This is honey produced by my own bees, it's quite good. I'd like you to have it."

The Sixth Miss Guo was somewhat taken aback by his sudden change in attitude. She hadn't pegged Yan Fei for the kind of person who would ignore someone he disliked, but casually gift something to those he approved of.

When she didn't accept the honey, Yan Fei set it on the table and said, "It's really good honey, very sweet. I'll be going now!"

Just as he was about to leave, the young ruffian called out, "A bottle of honey and you are treating it like a treasure, typical bumpkin behavior. Now that your business discussion is over, shouldn't we settle our account?"