Chapter 504: The Computer That's Worth the Price

When the technology market was established just a few years ago, the first impression it left on laypeople was absolutely hilarious.

Day or night, there were scenes around the market that would make "insiders" smile without a word and leave "outsiders" completely baffled: a sneaky-looking young guy would stealthily pull aside a passerby and whisper, "Brother, want some CDs? I've got every kind you could think of?"

When he said he had every kind, this sneaky fellow would inevitably flash a "you know what I mean" kind of smile.

If the approached youngster was also "in the know," they'd clearly state their request, "You know, do you have that kind?"

"Got it, all kinds." The sneaky one would perk up immediately, opening his jacket to reveal an assortment of items. "Japanese or Western, take your pick?"

This was not an uncommon occurrence, and there were no shortage of deceits.