Chapter 525 How much does it cost to feed a tiger_3

After leaping up, he saw that what had fallen from the sky was a dead rabbit. Just as he was about to speak, he caught the gaze of two Golden Eagles circling down, and he held his tongue.

There really was nothing to say; wild creatures were simply incomparable to those in a zoo!

These were the real deal, lively wild predators. Those in the zoo were famished, listless creatures that couldn't be more different—they were like the Bichon Frises that city folks were fond of keeping these days.

Once they had calmed down, Yan Fei said with a smile, "A tiger can be fed with forty or fifty catties of beef at a time, but that would only last a day or two. If you want to feed it more at once, it can eat over a hundred catties in one meal and that would last for several days."

"Forty or fifty catties? And beef at that?" The young man gaped in disbelief. "Those in the zoo are fed twice a day, just three or four chicken carcasses each time, and some big chunks of meat on occasion..."