Chapter 547: Island Construction Concept_2

He hadn't walked two steps on the bridge before he stopped again, "Brother Fei, where do you usually get the sand from around here?"

Yan Fei pointed with his hand, "Downstream from here, there's a vast natural sand field, and upstream on that river, there's also a natural large sand field. Even the East River we use for bathing, all the way to the Nan River, sand is everywhere..."

"Is it convenient for the sand trucks to drive through?" Chen Yingjun had a knack for hitting the nail on the head with his questions.

Apart from the downstream area, which was the path Yan Fei used to take to the county town and crossed a sand field, there were no roads elsewhere. Even that sand field downstream could only be heavily utilized in winter, because once the water rose slightly in summer, it turned into a river, making sand extraction impossible.