Chapter 614: Come and Take It

A major fire had caused the atmosphere in Aipao City to become particularly tense.

The city was already attracting a great deal of outside attention due to bizarre disappearances, and numerous watchers from various external forces had infiltrated it. But at least everyone had been restrained; even in the event of unforeseen circumstances, conflicts were kept on a small scale to avoid significant impact.

But this time was different. Beneath the blaze, the remains of ten special operatives instantly became a fuse, setting the city ablaze.

The fire was extinguished, but the flames in countless people's hearts had only risen higher. Many secretive figures within the city began to stir.

For the Japanese, this was infuriating. But for the spies of the external forces, it was exciting—a significant incident had suddenly occurred, and a Japanese team of ten had been annihilated in a small convenience store. Could this mean that an extremely important clue had been discovered?