Chapter 335: The Seven Gates of Taoism

Xiao Mu gently retreated, quickly putting away the Fire Dragon Vehicle, and observed the approaching people.

Among them, humans were the majority, at least half of the total number.

The next highest in number were Evil Ghosts, about five or six in total, with the remainder being Zombies and the Greenfin Clan, each accounting for about half.

As soon as these people arrived, they all rushed towards the mountain side.

The Greenfin Clan were the fastest, followed by the Evil Ghosts, then the Zombies, and the Human Mutants lagged behind.

Xiao Mu stealthily followed them, keeping a low profile.

There's no rush to enter the Immaculate Spring since it's not yet open.

"Friend, would you like to cooperate?"

Someone came over to Xiao Mu. It was a long-haired man in his thirties, a mutant with a strength level probably in the Mid Third Realm.

"Sorry, I'm not interested!"

Xiao Mu flatly refused.