Chapter 387: Summon

Like Commander Yan's Cave Mansion, the outside of Extreme Night's Cave Mansion was also surrounded by a group of Mutated Beings waiting.

"A swarm of flies!"

Seeing the crowd waiting outside the Cave Mansion for his summons, Extreme Night expressed his disgust, "Follow me, I'll take you through another entrance to the Cave Mansion."

Xiao Mu casually said, "Commander Extreme Night seems not to like being disturbed?"

Extreme Night retorted, "No one likes to be disturbed, but it also depends on the people doing the disturbance and their motives."

Glancing at Xiao Mu, he said, "If it is someone like you, who comes bearing a gift from the True Realm, I wish for someone to disturb me every day."

"However, like these…"

With a tilt of his chin towards the crowd outside the Cave Mansion, he snorted disdainfully, "They are of no benefit to me, nor can they help me in any way. They merely seek my assistance. Why should I bother seeing them?"

Xiao Mu remained silent…