Chapter 394 Joint Endorsement

Even if Princess Remilia could treat the Essence of Holy Water as a regular drink, some ancient dragons would still question her identity as the progenitor of the Blood Clan, as it was too incredible. This was a bloodline power that could rival deities. It seemed impossible that it would manifest in a human princess for no apparent reason.

Thus, these aged creatures, who had lived for eons and possessed vast knowledge and vast collections of books, brought forth various ancient tomes they had collected. They based their passionate debates on the reactions exhibited by Remilia when confronted with various tools used to restrain the Blood Clan.

In the end, these ancient dragons, using somewhat dubious ancient books, along with their knowledge and experience, arrived at a conclusion closest to reality: Remilia's bloodline rank was below that of the progenitor, but higher than the prince's, within the Blood Clan.