"Calm down, Leon." Muria shook his head somewhat amused. "My recruitment of geniuses to form a Demon Hunting Knight Regiment is completely a response to the current situation. As a Demon Hunter, you should have felt it, right? The air is filled with an aura of evil and brutality."

"I felt it, the stench of the devil." Leon looked around, frowning. "A powerful devil, and it's stayed here before."

"How come I can't sense any aura of the devil?" Muria suspiciously looked at Leon. Although he had summoned Mels several times in this place, every time he did, Mels would carefully conceal his aura, and after leaving, Muria would purify the area. It was unlikely there would be any leftover scent.

"If we only hunted demons based on aura, we Demon Hunters would be pretty lame."

"Then what do you use to track them?" Muria asked, somewhat curious.

"Gut feeling!"