Chapter 454: Cocoon Metamorphosis

"The tyrant is finally leaving."

"Indeed, I had thought I would spend my entire life under the rule of Duke Mureya," a noblewoman laughingly sipped her glass of good wine. For a person of her wild nature, Mureya's existence was truly unbearable.

"I was prepared to be ruled by the Golden Dragon Archduke for generations, in just twelve short years he's leaving. I even had my son trained as a holy knight, to become a saintly knight. Now he is confronting me at home every day. If only I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have sent him to the church."

"I'm in the same boat," echoed a middle-aged nobleman. "In order to appease the governing Archduke, I let my brother join the Demon Hunting Team, and sent the heirs of our clan to the Church as well."