Chapter 662: Beat if Disobedient

"Do I have the right to refuse?"

"Regrettably, it seems not." Muria shook his head with a smile.

"Let's make a contract then." Being a legendary mage, Ivan Oherobeskin chose to live and give up his freedom rather than die. A thousand years might seem a long time, but it also presents a chance to turn things around. And since this dragon seemed to possess a remarkable status, the situation might represent an unusual opportunity. So, Ivan comforted himself.

"I like dealing with intelligent people. It's so comfortable," Muria said, his grin widening at the mage's submission. He quickly drafted the contract, arbitrarily designating a lawful good god with powerful divine force as the witness for the contract; this detail seemed irrelevant.

The terms of the contract were simple and direct, stating that the mage was to serve Muria for a thousand years, after which he would be freed. Muria had no interest in playing word games with a mage.