Chapter 222: Dangerous Mission

One day, after a busy shift, Cui Qi was feeling tired and ready to rest when suddenly he heard the sound of an emergency bell. Knowing something had gone wrong, he rushed to the gathering place.

On his way, Cui Qi saw many people looking panicked and confused, probably aware something had happened. Could they be sure of what to do next?

Upon reaching the gathering place, Cui Qi saw people distributing items. When he looked closer, he realized they were masks. A sinking feeling overwhelmed him as he realized what this signified.

When most people had gathered, the woman in charge spoke, "One of our trucks was intercepted while passing through the slum, and the cargo was stolen. Do you remember what I told you?"

Of course, Cui Qi did. The local law couldn't control the slums here. If they were to recover their goods, they would have to do it themselves - meaning, they could resort to illegal actions to protect their legitimate interests.