Chapter 451: Don't Touch My Family

That year was marked by famine; many people went hungry, and some even starved to death. That same year, Qian Ye, then only six years old, was orphaned, having lost both of her parents.

She couldn't quite recall what exactly happened at that time, only remembered crying for a very long time. Also etched in her memory was the sight of her parents passing her the last morsel of food in their greatly weakened state.

Subsequently, Qian Ye was sold to a place where she met Qian Feng, a meeting that changed her life.

One day, while sweeping the doorway, Qian Ye saw a child younger than herself walking by, hand in hand with two adults. The adults' extreme affection for the child and the child's joyous laughter deeply wounded Qian Ye's heart.

"Stop looking. It's a life we can never have, maybe in our next life," said Qian Feng, with a sense of desolation and sadness. Watching the family disappear from sight, Qian Ye's heart was again moved. She murmured to herself, "Next life?".