Chapter 698: The Enemy's Weakness

Arriving at the previous laboratory, Lu Yi, Jie, and Xu Haowen all knelt on the ground, their faces a mix of bruised blue and purple. It was clear that Lisa had given them a good beating to let off some steam.

When Gu Fan, Lin Xi, Hai, and the big boss entered the laboratory, they were very displeased seeing the others looking smug, as if they held the upper hand.

Lisa presented a disappointed expression, "My heavens, you guys can't be so naive. Really so loyal and righteous."

Gu Fan didn't bother to respond, "Alright, what do you want Lisa? Lay out your conditions."

"Conditions?" Lisa mimicked a deep thought, "What we want is very simple. To feed on the life force of living people eternally. An immortal can satisfy me. If you help us catch him, we will release your comrades."

At this, Gu Fan looked troubled, "Lisa, you can see that he's too powerful. I can't capture him. It's too difficult for me. Show some mercy and provide another condition."