Chapter 855: Mysterious Sword Sect

The Xuanjian Sect held a significant position in the Martial Arts world, with a fair number of swordsmanship superiors hailing from this sect. Everyone who practiced martial arts looked up to them with great admiration.

Originally, Jian Shen's emergence had propelled the prestige of the Xuanjian Sect to new heights, but his collusion with the witches of the Shennv Xuanhui had turned him into the common enemy of the Martial Arts community. This sullied the Xuanjian Sect's reputation, leading them to publicly announce Jian Shen's expulsion from the sect.

Today, as Jian Shen set foot in the Xuanjian Sect once more, he couldn't help but sigh. The welcome he received was no longer one of glory or adoration. Instead, he was met with hostility and hatred.