Chapter 13: Jiang Family's Treasure Trove

At this point, Jiang Chen's primary concern should be his future path and how to tread it.

Also, how to glean enough benefits from this grand feast of dividing the Great Qin.

Although the Great Qin currently seems to be torn asunder by stormy winds, its foundation still surpasses common imagination.

Before the First Emperor, the Great Qin had been inherited for centuries, and had accumulated unimaginable wealth. After the First Emperor, the Great Qin devoured six states, becoming the ruler of the world.

Naturally, the wealth accumulated by those six states over countless years fell into the hands of Qin State.

In this world where immortals and gods reveal themselves and individual strength exceeds imagination, the six states still firmly held power, dominating the lives and deaths of the populace.

This indicates that they must have possessed power that far surpassed others and were the elite among them.

Their wealth is unlikely to be mere gold, silver, or jewels, but powerful divine abilities or magic treasures.

Just think about it, during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, it was a time when the Hundred Schools of Thought contended. And who were these scholars? They were incarnations of the Great Divine Transcendents.

The royal families and nobility of the six states had connections with the Hundred Schools of Thought to varying degrees, which meant that the wealth they held was startling.

Moreover, the so-called royal families of the six states, most of them descended from the powerful Ancients of the Human Race; you never know, they might still hold treasures left by their ancestors.

So no one really knows what kind of treasures the royal families and nobility of the six states possess, but one can imagine they are incredibly valuable. And now, all of these had fallen into the hands of the Great Qin.

It is evident just how deep the foundations of the Great Qin are.

Due to the fall of the First Emperor, a portion of these foundations might have been lost, but certainly not too much; the majority of it must have been preserved.

Even a sly rabbit has three burrows, let alone the Great Qin.


Thinking about the current situation of the Great Qin, Jiang Chen pondered, "Hu Hai cannot guard the fortune left by the First Emperor. In that case, instead of letting others benefit from it, it might as well benefit me."

The deer of Qin has been lost, and the world is chasing after it!

After the fall of the Great Qin, the world returns to a state of chaos, entering a period of power struggles, causing repeated bloodshed across the world, affecting countless innocent people.

The sufferings of all beings during that era were beyond description!

Therefore, it was time for Jiang Chen to step in.

If he were to seize all of the Qin's wealth, the power of those ambitious contenders would inevitably weaken as they would not be able to divide the benefits of the Great Qin.

Thus, the hardship to be faced by all beings would undoubtedly lessen a great deal.

And this would all be Jiang Chen's merit!

His seizure of the Qin's wealth is not out of selfishness, but for the good of all living beings under heaven.

May they experience less hardship!

Reflecting on these thoughts, Jiang Chen immediately felt his character rising, seeming to cloak himself in a holy light, becoming great.


After self-hypnosis, Jiang Chen quietly called for the innkeeper, instructed him to continue monitoring the situation in the Great Qin, and then left his seat to return to the Jiang Clan.

It's been a while since he left, it was time to return to the clan.

Jiang Clan, Flame Emperor Divine Palace!

Jiang Chen stepped into the grand hall at a leisure pace, glanced at the middle-aged man sitting in the master's seat, and saluted: "Jiang Chen, greets the Clan Master!"

The Clan Master of the Jiang Clan, Jiang Hong, formidable and inscrutable, was a figure from thousands of years ago. It's said he had participated in the Investiture of the Gods battle, but the truth remained unknown.

Jiang Hong gave Jiang Chen a glance and nodded, "I heard from Elder Zi Xuan that you awakened your bloodline. It seems to be true."

The scorching aura was so strong that Jiang Hong felt it from a distance, indeed it was the Sun God Body without a doubt.

"It's all thanks to chance," Jiang Chen first smiled bashfully, then asked with a puzzled face, "I wonder why the Clan Master summoned me, is there something important?"

Earlier, as soon as he returned to the Jiang Clan and hadn't even warmed his seat, he had been summoned by the Clan Master and came here feeling guilty.

As the saying goes, guilty conscience; thinking about his recent deeds, Jiang Chen thought the matter of him receiving the inheritance of Emperor Xu had been exposed.

Fortunately, he quickly calmed down and realized he was being overly anxious. The Clan Master summoning him must be for something good.

After all, since Jiang Chen had awakened his bloodline, how could the clan not acknowledge it?

Indeed, it didn't take long to hear the seated Jiang Hong say, "Since you've awakened the Flame Emperor's bloodline, according to the rules, you can go to the treasury and choose a treasure."

Saying that, Jiang Hong pulled out a jade token and tossed it to Jiang Chen who was standing in front.

The Jiang Clan's treasury stored all the treasures collected by the Jiang Clan from ancient times to present. Its value far exceeded that of the treasury of the six states.

Even if he could only take one item, it was still a great fortune for the current Jiang Chen.

Pleased, a smile inevitably crept onto Jiang Chen's face. He then tightly held onto the jade token in his hand and said to Jiang Hong, "If the Clan Master has no more business, Jiang Chen shall take his leave."

Having said that, he bowed deeply.

Seeing Jiang Chen's eager look, Jiang Hong couldn't help but chuckle.

"Alright, off you go!"

"Look at you, so eager,"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen didn't stand on ceremony and immediately turned to leave the grand hall, heading away towards the treasury.

However, the anxious Jiang Chen did not notice that after he turned to leave, Jiang Hong stared at his retreating figure for a long while, before finally heaving a heavy sigh, "It's such a pity."



The Great Wilds where the Jiang Clan resided were vast, retaining the style of ancient times, and even harbored fierce beasts.

In a sense, these Great Wilds were an independent small world, attached to the Chaos World.

After traveling alone in the wilderness for most of the day, Jiang Chen finally arrived at the location of the Jiang Clan's treasury, a gigantic mountain range.

The so-called Jiang Clan's treasury was a hollowed-out mountain, filled with treasures and placed under heavy prohibitions.

Placing the treasury inside a mountain was primitive, and in line with the style of the Jiang Clan.

Surely, this treasury was constructed in ancient times. In ancient times, the ancestors of the Human Race didn't know how to build magnificent palaces; everyone lived in caves.

The objects of the treasury, naturally, were also placed in caves. For the Jiang Clan, using a hollowed-out mountain as a treasury was already a massive undertaking at that time.

At the foot of the mountain was a stairway, hewn from rock. It wound upwards, leading deep into the mountain.


Regulating his slightly ragged breathing from rushing, Jiang Chen climbed the stairs and quickly arrived before a mountain cave.

This cave was the entrance to the Jiang Clan's treasury.

"Junior Jiang Chen, by virtue of awakening the bloodline and with the Clan Master's order, is here to choose a treasure from the treasury."

In front of the cave, Jiang Chen took a deep breath, presented the jade token given to him by the Clan Master, and respectfully announced.