Chapter 71 - The Grudges and Gratitude between Jiang Family and Chan Teaching


Long Ye didn't expose Jiang Chen's identity.

Their families, with a relationship as close as flesh and bone, made it unthinkable for Long Ye to reveal Jiang Chen's true identity.

Not only could he not expose him, but Long Ye also had to think of ways to protect Jiang Chen.

"Alright, let's go in!"

After chatting for a while, everyone returned together to the main hall on Mount Penglai.

As for Jiang Chen, he naturally followed closely behind Long Ye, not uttering a word. At this point, he was playing the part of the perfectly obedient child.

During their conversation, no one mentioned the matter of returning the magic treasure that Jiang Chen had snatched from the White Crane boy, as if they had completely forgotten about it.

The Nanji immortal elder felt embarrassed to bring it up, hoping that Long Ye would take the initiative. But if the Nanji elder did not mention it, Long Ye would not voluntarily bring the matter up.