Chapter 99: Opportunity

In the Western Spiritual Mountain, the Buddha fell silent upon receiving the message from the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

A question kept echoing in his mind-

Why did Hong Ren attack Jiang Chen after saving Sun Wukong? Was he out of his mind, not knowing the consequences of creating more complications?

Hong Ren was the name of the Buddhist expert who attacked Jiang Chen. At this moment, his death not only failed to evoke the Buddha's sympathy, but it also filled the Buddha with extraordinary anger.

If it weren't for the fact that Hong Ren was already dead, the Buddha wouldn't mind killing him again.

If he hadn't attacked Jiang Chen, would there have been so many problems?

He created more problems than he solved.

After his anger, the Buddha couldn't help but contemplate how to resolve the matter.

He didn't worry about Jiang Chen's safety.